Comprehensive analysis of the aging dynamics across the mouse lifespan.


The Tabula Muris Senis is a comprehensive resource for the cell biology community which offers a detailed molecular and cell-type specific portrait of aging. We view such cell atlas as an essential companion to the genome: the genome provides a blueprint for the organism but does not explain how genes are used in a cell type specific manner or how the usage of genes changes over the lifetime of the organism. The cell atlas provides a deep characterization of phenotype and physiology and serves as a reference for understanding many aspects of the cell biological changes that mammals undergo during their lifespan. The project includes single-cell and bulk RNA-sequencing of different organs across the mouse lifespan.


A single-cell transcriptomic atlas characterizes ageing tissues in the mouse

The Tabula Muris Consortium, Nature (2020)

Go to publication
Single-cell transcriptomics of 20 mouse organs creates a Tabula Muris

The Tabula Muris Consortium, Nature (2022)

Molecular hallmarks of heterochronic parabiosis at single-cell resolution

Pálovics et al., Nature (2022)

Ageing hallmarks exhibit organ-specific temporal signatures

Nicholas Schaum et al., Nature (2020)

Mouse aging cell atlas analysis reveals global and cell type-specific aging signatures

Zhang et al., eLife (2021)

Complete Dataset

Complete Dataset

cellxgene session for the complete atlas

Datasets split by assay


cellxgene session for 10x data in Tabula Muris Senis


cellxgene session for smartseq2 data in Tabula Muris Senis

Tissue collection available in cellxgene

Tabula Muris Senis collection

cellxgene collection for all tissues in Tabula Muris Senis

Raw Data Available on AWS

Tabula Muris Senis on AWS Open Datasets Registry

The raw sequencing files of the Tabula Muris Senis projects are made available for anyone to use via Amazon S3

Processed data available from figshare

Tabula Muris Senis on figshare

Annotated and/or partially annotated objects to use with scanpy and cellxgene are available from figshare